Lange sætningsled står bedst sidst i sætningen

En engelsk sætning opleves som akavet og tung at læse, hvis grundleddet er væsentligt længere end omsagnsleddet eller udsagnsleddet. Er det tilfældet, bør sætningen skrives om.

Dårligt: The rate at which somatizing patients are consuming health resources in both the primary and the secondary sector is a real problem. Her står det lange grundled (The rate at which…) før det korte omsagnsled til grundleddet (is a real problem).

Godt: The real problem is the rate at which somatizing patients are consuming health resources in both the primary and the secondary sector.

Denne sætning er bedre end den første, fordi det længste led i sætningen nu står sidst. Problemet opstår tit, når grundleddet består af et kerneord (rate) og mange efterfølgende ord og led (at which ….sector), eller når et led består af en opremsning.

I en god sætning, hvor det længste led står sidst, står grundled og udsagnsled også ofte så tæt på hinanden som muligt.

Dårligt: To our knowledge, studies exploring differences and similarities in self-reported quality of ADL task performance among persons with various chronic conditions, using the same ADL instrument, have not yet been conducted. Her er der for langt mellem kerneordet i grundleddet (studies) og udsagnsleddet (have not yet been conducted).

Godt: To our knowledge, no studies have yet been conducted using the same ADL instrument to explore differences and similarities in self-reported quality of ADL task performance among persons with various chronic conditions. Denne sætning er lettere at læse af to grunde: Grundled (studies) og udsagnsled (have yet been conducted) står tæt, og det lange led, som angiver formålet (to explore…) kommer til sidst.

Hvad kan du gøre?

Se på din sætning og analyser, hvilke led den består den af (grundled, udsagnsled, genstandsled, omsagnsled og biled). Prøv at omskrive sætningen, så det længste led kommer sidst i sætningen og sørg samtidig for at grundled og udsagnsled står tæt på hinanden.


1. Understreg kerneordet i grundleddet og understreg udsagnsleddet: Problems related both to personal ADL (PADL), including self-care tasks such as eating, personal hygiene and dressing, and instrumental ADL (IADL), including domestic tasks such as cooking, shopping and house cleaning, can be addressed during rehabilitation1.a. Lav sætningen om, så grundled og udsagnsled står tæt og det længste led står sidst.

2. Understreg grundled og udsagnsled. Multi-symptomatic presentation, parental worries about the symptoms, impact on the child and family and a higher past health care utilisation of GP services were significantly linked to being a consulter. 2a.Lav sætningen om, så det længste af de to led står sidst.

3. Analyser sætningens led: Furthermore, non-malignant pathologies such as ameloblastoma, odontogenic keratocysts, myxoma, osteomyelitis, osteoradionecrosis, and dentigerous cyst may indicate partial mandibular resection. 3a.Lav sætningen om, så det længste led står sidst.


1. Problems related both to personal ADL (PADL), including self-care tasks such as eating, personal hygiene and dressing, and instrumental ADL (IADL), including domestic tasks such as cooking, shopping and house cleaning, can be addressed during rehabilitation1a. Rehabilitation may address problems related both to personal ADL (PADL), including self-care tasks such as eating, personal hygiene and dressing, and instrumental ADL (IADL), including domestic tasks such as cooking, shopping and house cleaning

Multi-symptomatic presentation, parental worries about the symptoms, impact on the child and family and a higher past health care utilisation of GP services were significantly linked to being a consulter. 2a. Being a consulter was significantly associated with multi-symptomatic presentation, parental worries about the symptoms, impact on the child and family and a higher past health care utilisation of in GP services.

3a. Furthermore, partial mandibular resection may be indicated by non-malignant pathologies like ameloblastoma, ondotogenic keratocysts, myxoma, osteomyelitis, osteoradionecrosis and dentigerous cysts