Biord og biled om måde, sted og tid

Kort og godt

På dansk kan biord og biled, der angiver tid, stå overalt; på engelsk står de helst i periferien. Dårligt: If the fever after 24 hours has not fallen. Godt: If, after 24 hours, the fever has not fallen.

Mere udførligt

Man kan sætte biord og biled i starten, i midten og i slutningen af en sætning. På engelsk afhænger biordets placering mest af dets betydning. Fx står biord og biled, der udtrykker måde, sted og tid oftest sidst i en sætning og i den rækkefølge. Har sætningen et genstandsled, kommer biordet helst efter genstandsleddet (fx The doctor administered the medicine immediately). Hvis genstandsleddet imidlertid er meget langt, så står biordet før genstandsleddet (fx He carefully changed the bandage which the patient had been carrying for too long).

I modsætning til i dansk, sætter man ikke biord og biled, der angiver tid, mellem grundled og udsagnsled. Fx Dårligt: If the fever after 24 hours has not fallen. Godt: If, after 24 hours, the fever has not fallen. Men man kan fint sætte biord og biled, der angiver hyppighed, mellem grundled og udsagnsled (fx We always injected…; Melanomas sometimes regress…), så vær opmærksom på, at det er biordets betydning, der bestemmer, hvor det står!  Man sætter heller ikke biord og biled mellem udsagnsled og omsagnsled. Fx Dårligt: Short lead times are essential for example in the pharmaceutical industry. Godt: Short lead times are essential in the pharmaceutical industry, for example. Lange biord og biled står helst sidst i sætningen på engelsk.

Hvad kan du gøre?

Placer biord og biled, der angiver måde, sted og tid i periferien af sætningen; og placer led der angiver hyppighed foran udsagnsordet.


1. Understreg biord/biled. The patient was last year admitted to the department for the first time. 1a. Flyt biord/biled til den rigtige plads i sætningen.

2. Understreg biord/biled. The patient yesterday morning took happily his medicine in bed.

3. Understreg biord/biled. The physician carefully examined the chest radiograph. 3a. Flyt biord/biled til den rigtige plads i sætningen.

4. Understreg biord/biled. The physician examined the opaque shadows on the chest radiograph carefully. 4a. Flyt biordet frem foran det lange genstandsled.


1.The patient was last year admitted to the department for the first time. 1a. The patient was admitted to the department for the first time last year. 1a. Last year, the patient was admitted to the department for the first time.

2. The patient yesterday morning took happily his medicine in bed. 2a. The patient took his medicine happily (måde) in bed (sted) yesterday morning (tid).

3. The physician carefully examined the chest radiograph. 3a. The physician examined the chest radiograph carefully.  

4. The physician examined the opaque shadows on the chest radiograph carefully 4a1. The physician carefully examined the opaque shadows on the chest radiograph carefully. 4a2. The physician examined carefully the opaque shadows on the chest radiograph carefully