Grundled står tæt på udsagnsled

Sæt grundled og udsagnsled tæt på hinanden i engelsk. Det letter frem for alt læsningen, og du undgår uoverensstemmelse i tal mellem grundled og udsagnsled. Et eksempel, hvor grundled og udsagnsled er understreget: Dårligt: The patient’s liver count at 24 hours after exposure had increased by 20%. Godt: The patient’s liver count had increased by 20% at 24 hours after exposure.

Et eksempel fra en diskussion, hvor grundled og udsagnsled også er understreget: Dårligt: Finally, sensory neurons, characterised in previous electrophysiological studies or expression of the peptite sensorin A, selectively express the gomeodomain genes Brn3, among others, like their physiological counterparts in vertebrates. Godt: Finally, somatic sensory neurons selectively express the orthologues of the homeodomain gene Brn3, among others, like their physiological counterparts in vertebrates.

Hvad kan du gøre?

Prøv at tage en af dine længste sætninger. Understreg grundled og udsagnsled. Hvor mange ord står der mellem grundleddet og udsagnsleddet? Kan nogle af disse ord eller sætningsled flyttes frem i sætningen eller hen i slutningen?


  1. Understreg grundled og udsagnsled. The researchers found that nAchRs in the brains of both smokers and non-smokers became occupied by nicotine. Flyt nu udsagnsled tæt på grundled.
  2. Understreg grundled og udsagnsled. Higher baseline serum concentrations among older adult male smokers (>65.5 vs <32 nmol/L; OR=2.9) living in Denmark were reported to increase the risk of exocrine pancreatic cancer compared with those with lower concentrations. Flyt nu udsagnsled tæt på grundled


1. The researchers found that nAchRs in the brains of both smokers and non-smokers became occupied by nicotine. 

1.a The researchers found that in the brains of both smokers and non-smokers nAchRs became occupied by nicotine.

2. Higher baseline serum concentrations among older adult male smokers (>65.5 vs <32 nmol/L; OR=2.9) living in Denmark were reported to increase the risk of exocrine pancreatic cancer compared with those with lower concentrations.

2aAmong older adult male smokers in Denmark, higher baseline serum concentrations were reported to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer compared with those with lower concentrations (>65.5 vs <32 nmol/L; OR = 2.9).